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The Transition from Summer to Autumn

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September 1st

September - a time of change and transition from Summer into Autumn. Children going back to school after the long Summer holidays, noticably shorter days ( in the Northern Hemisphere ) and cooler temperatures.It is often seen as a time of renewel, full of new beginnings... a time to re-set our intentions. It is also a great time to re focus on our wellbeing. Holistic treatments can nurture your mind, body and spirit during this time and help to bring about balance and a sense of peace.

Nourish Your Body 

  • Holistic treatments such as Reflexology, Massage and Aromatherapy can support your immune system -helping you to stay healthy during cold and flu season.
  •  Spend as much time outdoors as possible and enjoy the last warm days of late Summer or the crisp Autumn air and changing colours of the trees.
  • Explore indoor activities as the nights draw in, such as yoga or swimming.
  • Stay hydrated - especially as the weather gets colder.It is easy not to drink as much water and have an extra coffee instead.
  • Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and embrace the harvest from the Summer.

Take Care of Your Mind

  • Reflexology and massage can help to alleviate stress by helping the body and mind to relax and thereby reduce tension - find some time to look after yourself - you won't regret it!
  • Reflexology aids sleep - quality of sleep is so important for overall wellbeing- ideally between 7- 9 hours.
  • Try to get out in the morning light to help your mood. Sunlight can increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation. This can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety well as regulate your body's internal clock, promoting better sleep quality.
  • Practice mindfulness and engage in activites such as meditation or breathwork practices.
  • Find self care rituals whicg are easy to slot into a day - a warm bath with aromatherapy oils, escaping into a really good book, listening to music and of course spending valuable time with family and friends.

Find a deeper sense of balance, vitality and wellbeing and help your body's natural adjustment and connection to the changing seasons.

For a personalised holistic treatment contact Stella or find further information and book via the calmsoul booking page


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